The third annual iSpeak speech competition was held at JSD on Friday 14 June with students speaking on the topic of “Our Future World”.
Students in years 5 and 6 were invited to enter the competition, which required them to write a speech of around two minutes on this year’s topic of “Our Future World”. Students in years 4, 5 and 6, parents and special guests gave an enormous amount of support for each of the 25 candidates as they bravely stood at the podium in the Main Hall and gave their speeches.
The speakers entertained and educated the audience with their eloquence, passion and insight.
Acting as judges for iSpeak 2019 were Kieran Earley, CEO/Principal of the BSN; and Liz Free, Director of International Leadership Academy. This was no easy task and the judges emphasised the courage and skill that each of the students displayed. The two students that were awarded trophies were chosen for their excellent and well-practised speech delivery, as well as for their well-researched and emotionally stirring subject matter.
The students imagined what “Our Future World” will be like; and offered us practical tips and alternative ways of living that will ensure that it will be “a parade of awesomeness and not a procession of destruction.” Some of the other wishes for the future voiced by the students were that the world will be no longer be a place where animal species go extinct due to the actions of humans; that we don’t let technology take over the joy of socialising face-to-face and where gender inequality no longer persists.
Many of the student speakers faced their fears and conquered their nerves by joining in the competition, and inspired the younger students to think about entering next year.
Thank you to our judges, teachers and other staff members who made this day possible. A special thank you to Peter Fowler for all his work organising this incredible event!