It’s not every day one of our students can call themselves a published author! Junior School Vlaskamp (JSV) student Aleisha, a current Year 4 student, published her very own book, ‘Fashion in the Moonlight’, part of a four-book series, in December last year when she was in Year 3. The story centres around two fairies, Holly and Anna, who join forces to solve the mystery of the missing fashion dresses!
It all started when Aleisha was in Year 2 and just seven years old:
I just love writing, it’s my passion. One day, my mother asked me to write a story and when I started writing, new ideas kept coming to my mind, then I just wrote and wrote for over two months and it turned into a chapter book.
Aleisha credits one JSV staff member in particular with helping her with the writing process – Ms Klaassen, her Year 2 Class Teacher:
“Ms Klaassen took me aside and we thought about ideas together. She made suggestions for synonyms and wrote them on Post-it notes so that my Mum and I could edit the story together at home.
She suggested I use a thesaurus and that I keep an author’s notebook so when you’re reading something, you can write down words that you like, or a phrase that you like.”
Aleisha recalls how she went about getting the book published once she finished her book:
“So I went to India (where Aleisha’s family is originally from) and then we sent it to the publishers. The publishers made the cover and then I did a few edits - I even asked them to remove a tree stump because I thought it wasn’t very environmentally friendly!
I also had to design what the characters would look like. For example, for Anna, I knew she had sparkling blue eyes, blonde hair and was wearing a purple strapless dress. For Holly, I knew she had reddish brownish hair, green eyes and was also wearing a strapless dress, but pink.”
Now that the first of the ‘The Adventures of Holly and Anna’ book series is out, what’s next for characters Holly and Anna – and Aleisha?
“I’ve already finished books two and three, but I need to edit them with my mum. I’m already starting the fourth one, which is more like an adventure than a mystery, so then they’re going to have to travel up mountains, or swim in the oceans, or go to the Golden City or Atlantis maybe.
After that, I would love to write another series. I’ve always wanted to write a book about witches, because I love fantasy books.”
My dream is to publish my very own Puffin book one day!
As for Aleisha's literary inspirations, she says some of her favourite authors are “Enid Blyton, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Charlotte Brontë, Roald Dahl… I have a lot, I can’t pick just one!”
Aleisha’s mum, Karishma, expresses her thoughts on Aleisha being a published author, as well as how she feels about the support Aleisha has received:
“I feel very proud, because at this age, it’s amazing to be able to identify what your passion is – it’s a very proud moment for all of us in the family. The dedication that she has when she’s writing a book, it’s amazing to see; she just really goes into that zone. Writing is her comfort – if she really needs to find peace, she will just start writing.
Even while doing the book cover, she was very meticulous – in fact she was communicating with the publishers through my email! It’s good to see her blooming into an author.
I’d really love to give a special mention to Ms Klaassen - I think from the beginning she noticed and identified the writer inside Aleisha, and she really encouraged her a lot.
I would also like to thank the BSN, because of the environment they provide for the children. Back when I was growing up, you didn’t have this kind of freedom, or this space to think outside the box – to be encouraged to do something outside the school curriculum. So I really want to thank the school and I think we are lucky for Aleisha to be educated in this environment.”
Aleisha adds:
“Very lucky, the BSN is the best!”
Well done, Aleisha! We can’t wait to read the next instalments in the series and to find out what adventures are next for Holly and Anna.
If you’d like to read Aleisha's book, ‘Fashion in the Moonlight’, a copy is available for loan in the Junior School Vlaskamp Library.