The British School in the Netherlands (BSN) is an independent school. It is a non-profit organisation ('vereniging' in Dutch) entirely dependent on fee income and, unlike many other international schools, receives no subsidy from either the Dutch or British Governments.

The BSN is managed on a day-to-day basis by a CEO and the Board of Management. While the BSN recruits a new CEO, the Board of Management, as a collective, manages the school. The Board of Management answers to the school's Board of Governors (BoG), which the Association, in turn, oversees. The Association is chaired by Her Excellency, the British Ambassador to the Netherlands.

Board of Management

The Board of Management, chaired by the CEO and composed of senior managers within the BSN's teaching and business staff, is responsible for the management and operational running of the school. This board reports to the Board of Governors, which is responsible for strategic supervision and, in turn, reports to The Association.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors consists of nine members. Seven members are appointed by the Association's general meeting (see below), and two are appointed by the Chair of the Association, Her Excellency the British Ambassador.

One member is the 'Governor for Parental Interests' nominated by the Governor Parental Interest Nominating Committee; the other appointment is at the Ambassador's discretion. Many Governors have children currently or previously attending the BSN.

Meet the Board of Governors

Mr Peter Bayliff - OBE
Chair of Governors

Peter Bayliff Chair of Governors

Mr Yalçin Canatan
Real Estate 

Mr Yalçın Canatan
Mr Kevin Douglas (SSL)
ICT, Security, Health & Safety and Co-Curricular Activities
Mr Kevin Douglas
Mr Alexander Keighley (JSV)
Government and External Relations
Alexander Keighley, Governor at BSN profile photo
Mr Michael Wardropper (SSV)
Mrs Selvei Topping (SSV) Safeguarding, Child Care and Child protection and
Communications & Admissions
Mrs Selvei Topping
Ms Sandrine Dijoux
Parental Interests

Mrs Lucy McNamara
HR, BSN Professional Development Academy  





The Association

The Association is governed by its Articles of Association, which are registered at the Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) at Den Haag. The Association has a maximum of 35 members who are appointed by the general meeting of the Association.

Eligibility for membership in the Association is subject to a unanimous nomination of all members of the Nominating Committee (which comprises three members drawn from the Association).

Meet The Association
Chair of The Association
Mrs Joanna Roper, His Majesty’s British Ambassador to the Netherlands
Association Members
Mr Billy AllwoodMr Peter Bayliff OBE*Mr Yalçin Canatan*Mr Kit Coremans
Mr Graham DayMs Sandrine Dijoux*Mr Kevin Douglas*Mr Alexander Keighley*
Mr Laurens KokMr Ian LaycockMs Ilka LoofMrs Lucy McNamara*
Ms Alison SmithMrs Selvei Topping*Ms Deborah ValentineMrs Stacey Vickers
Mr Michael WardropperMr Simon WeinbergMr Mike Weston 

*Also on the Board of Governors

Ondernemingsraad (OR)

Dutch Law requires that all enterprises employing more than 50 people have an Ondernemingsraad (Works Council). The BSN Ondernemingsraad comprises eleven elected staff members representing the four BSN campuses. The OR meets regularly with the Bestuurder (the CEO, currently represented by a member of the Board of Management, to act in this capacity as a liaison to the OR) to discuss the school's strategic operation. The OR has the right to give advice and the right to approve decisions taken by the Board of Management or the Board of Governors.