The British School in The Netherlands has exciting drama opportunities for children of all ages. We encourage students to explore and share their individual talents through a philosophy of encouraging creativity and self-expression.
A variety of performances are organised throughout our campuses for all age groups. From endearing plays in Foundation Stage to major productions, musicals, plays, dance shows and concerts in Sixth Form.
Junior School Drama
To encourage students to explore the stage, there is a range of co-curricular clubs to develop performance skills. Each year the students have many opportunities to perform in front of parents and guests, both for major school productions and smaller, more intimate performances.
Senior School Drama
Students throughout the Senior Schools have weekly Drama lessons which develop their group work, resilience and creativity. At Key Stage 3, students are encouraged to get involved with the range of opportunities available to them through clubs and performances.
At the examination level, both GCSE and A Level Drama are very popular subject choices, adding a balance to our students' academic journey. Both courses involve more in-depth study of set texts and a variety of theatrical practitioners and genres. In addition to the written exam, students on both courses are engaged in practical examinations.
Performance Opportunities
Drama students have had some amazing opportunities in recent years, including performing an innovative production of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood and several musical productions at The Hague's famous Koninklijke Schouwburg theatre.
Students have also been invited on a number of occasions to perform at the British Embassy and other high-profile events.
Our students gain so much from working with other professionals to see what the possibilities are for life beyond the classroom. The workshops given always challenge our students’ performance skills and perception of the wider world.
Hazel Ball, Head of Drama, SSV

The Lord Chamberlain's Men's Final Act of the Season - 2021
ISTA at the BSN
BSN is a member of The International School’s Theatre Association (ISTA). Our senior students participate in an annual festival where they work with students and Drama practitioners from around the globe to create performances.
Highlights from Recent Drama Productions Across our Campuses