Our award-winning building is a great place to learn, play and grow!
The children and adults at Junior School Vlaskamp take great pride in our school and its excellent facilities.
Family & Community
A school is more than just a building; at the heart of our community is care for the individual.
We welcome parental involvement in the life of our school and recognise that the partnership between home and school leads to success.
JSV Highlights

Optional Services Available
Breakfast Club
JSV offers a supervised Breakfast Club from 07:40-08:30, Monday to Friday. Further information is available on request.
The purpose of the Breakfast Club is to allow children to be dropped off at school earlier than 08:30 for parents and guardians who find an earlier start more convenient.
The children first eat breakfast, which includes a range of healthy options. After eating, they can choose from activities set up in the room and outside (weather permitting) until the school opens at 08:30.
Hot Lunches
Hot (catered) lunches are available for students in select year groups at JSV.