In continuing the year-round focus on fostering and developing a love for reading, Thursday 20 May saw junior school children and staff dress up, share favourite books and participate in a discussion with "I, Ada" author Julia Gray on Book Day 2021.
The day started with a Junior School Diamanthorst (JSD) Book Day launch TEAMS assembly, where the children were introduced to the key theme of the day, ‘I Love Reading Because…’. Children and staff then added – throughout the day – to the display with a multitude of interesting answers, including ‘…because it throws me into a different world,’ and ‘…because it allows me to learn cool facts.’
“I, Ada” Author Julia Gray announces JSD Writing Competition Winners
The children were then treated to a recorded presentation from author Julia Gray, where she shared insightful information about the writing process for her most recent novel, ‘I, Ada’; answered an array of brilliant questions put together by the children, and announced the winners for the JSD Writing Competition, across the three categories: FS – Y1, Y2 & Y3 and Y4 – Y6. With over forty entries, she had some tough decisions to make. Well done to all the children who participated.
A Remarkable Day: Mystery Readers and Dressing Up
At points throughout the day, students were treated to mystery readers, where they had the opportunity to sit back and listen to books and extracts across a range of genres.
Drop Everything And Read!
— BSN Diamanthorst (@BSNJSD) May 21, 2021
Yesterday, the bell rang and then a suprise guest appeared to read a story in every class, 3 times! The whole school community was involved and our students heard a wide range of stories in lots of different languages. pic.twitter.com/PtTFE05eoD
Adding to the excitement of the day, students and staff had been invited to accessorise with inspiration from their favourite books. It was great to see the creative accessorising taking place not least because it sparked many a conversation about books and characters close to the children’s and adults’ hearts.
“Reading is at the very core of all great learning experiences: nurtured, developed and celebrated every day at JSD.
Book Day is simply and an opportunity to shine an extra special light on this.”
Peter Fowler, Senior Leader Junior School Diamanthorst.