Year 6 students from Junior School Diamanthorst became the first group of primary school children to visit the Peace Palace as a formal, educational experience
This experience was arranged following a special visit by all the JSD staff at the end of last summer, which was led by a JSD parent. Thankfully, this incredible opportunity for staff was able to be brought to students last week, and the look on the children’s faces as they walked into the beautiful and unique building told a story in itself.
During their visit, students were treated to a tour and given the opportunity to practice their debating skills during a workshop especially arranged for them. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the day was visiting the Great Hall of Justice and questioning Judge Peter Tomka on his experience as a UN Judge serving in the highest court in the world.
This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for this group of students. Getting the chance to visit local landmarks here in the Hague, especially ones that have such a worldwide significance, is such a special opportunity for students at the BSN.