A group of students in Year 12IB have been coming up with inventive ways to raise money for the BSN Bursary Fund and are looking forward to their first two events in the run up to the Christmas holidays.
In case you don't know the bursary fund is a charitable body, independent from the BSN. It works together with the School to raise funds and administer financial support to students in years 10 to 13 who would otherwise be unable to complete their critical examinations (GCSE, AS, A2, IB), due to a change in family financial circumstances.
The first fundraiser is to organise a buffet-style lunch for staff at school which will put their creative and culinary skills to the test. The second event will involve a Giant Kahoot Quiz for students at lunchtime. Teachers have provided photos of themselves as a small child and students are going to have to spot the resemblance and guess who is featured in the photo. The quiz will be extra tricky now we have a number of teachers with the same surname. We have three Mr Bennetts, two Ms Camerons, two Ms Smiths and two Ms Kirkwoods at Senior School.