Jennifer Madge - Cross School
Staff Testimonials

Having lived in Singapore for 5 years, I made the decision to move back to Europe for a variety of reasons, including the desire to be closer to family and friends. This was a difficult decision as I left an establishment in which I was very happy, with excellent staff and children and a variety of competitive CPD opportunities. However, as soon as I started working with my colleagues at JSV, I realised that the move I had made was very positive; the BSN attracts members of staff who are passionate, energetic about learning and, moreover, able to work as an incredibly effective, yet humble, team.

I have learnt a lot over the last two years at the BSN, particularly from my peers. What I find unique about the BSN is the way that staff from all areas of the school are valued and encouraged to share their expertise with others during staff training sessions; surrounded by capable and professional people, I am constantly learning and developing in this environment. With a shared vision for our school, I feel that I am able to contribute to this in a community that continuously strives to improve and develop.

Working in the Netherlands, for me, is nothing short of brilliant. I have a very pleasant cycle ride to and from work every day on my Dutch bike and I am often outdoors, which is encouraged here in all weathers. I find that the Netherlands provides the familiarity of Europe that I sometimes lacked in Singapore, whilst still being different enough to keep the ‘wanderer’ in me interested. The travelling opportunities from here are great and it is fantastic to see all that Europe has to offer. I am certainly very happy that I made the move here and I am excited to see what the next years here will bring!

Jennifer Madge,
Junior School Year 6 Teacher

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