Internationally BSN!
School Event

The BSN community is rich and diverse and made up of students, staff and families from over 80 nationalities.  Once a year, our team of International Representatives organises an event which celebrates all that is fabulous about the community which makes up the British School in The Netherlands – The International Festival is an evening of performances by different cultural groups, followed by food from all over the world.

This year saw performances from nine groups, representing just some of the nationalities, languages and cultures that form The BSN community.  Dancers and martial artists from South Korea, shared the stage with a Polish soloist and a group of French street artists. Vibrant colour and dances from the Indian states of Maharashtra, Gujrat and Punjab were followed by a classic song from Israel celebrating peace, and led the way for Nigerian adult and child performers to dance to Kurukere.  The evening drew to a close with a talented student playing a Rumba on guitar and ended with a riot of noise and colour from the Spanish Speaking Countries, the largest group, who performed Bajo El Mismo Sol.

Two student compères kept the performance on track and other students were involved backstage and in the gantry helping with lights and sound.

After the show, the audience spilled into the Atrium to enjoy a feast from around the world. The International Team had rallied helpers to prepare some amazing food and drink – representative of their home countries or cultures. As Kieran Earley, CEO/Principal commented: “What a fantastic event, it was great to see so many of our communities’ cultures represented on stage, on plates and in glasses!”

The International festival reminds us all that whilst we each have our own unique heritage and culture, it is great to be able to celebrate our differences as a whole community – thank you to everyone involved, especially Loredana Scolamiero and Deborah Perrin, who coordinated this red letter day!

Whilst performers were waiting to go on stage – the performance was being streamed live into The Student Café and is now available to view on You Tube

More Photos here!

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